The new Higher Education Act (Hochschulgesetz) abolishes the Students’ Unions.
The new Higher Education Act (Hochschulgesetz) abolishes the Students’ Unions.
In the summer of 1972, the AStA called on students to boycott the celebrations on the occasion of the University‘s 5th centenary. In 1974 the AStA was replaced by an elected panel of student spokespersons.
In November 1973 the Bavarian State Parliament passed a new Higher Education Act, which brought far-reaching changes to LMU’s organization when it came into force in the following year. The Faculties were restructured into 21 so-called Subject Areas (Fachbereiche), led by faculty councils. Shortly afterwards, their numbers were reduced and the term ‘Faculty’ was reinstated.
In addition, an important step was taken toward the creation of a so-called group-university system of governance. The Faculty Councils, the Senate and the University Assembly now included representatives of the faculty, the academic staff and students. Representatives of other groups of employees on the university’s staff were later admitted to these bodies.
The Act also abolished the existing Students’ Unions (AStA), which were replaced by faculty-specific councils with more limited powers. The students’ representatives elected in each Faculty and those elected to the University Senate together make up the Student Convention, which elects a Board of Speakers that replaces the old AStA and speaks for the entire student body.